2025 Calendar
All board meetings are open to the public and are held at the board office unless noted otherwise. All Agendas will be posted under "About Us" 24 hours prior to the meeting.
00 No meetings scheduled this month
01 New Year's Day Office closed
20 Martin Luther king, jr. day office closed
31 deadline for receipt of agenda items for the february 14th board meeting
14 board meeting 8:30 am board office, prairieville
00 no meetings scheduled this month
04 mardi gras day office closed
00 no meetings scheduled this month
18 good friday office closed
06 deadline for the receipt of agenda items for the may 16th board meeting
16 board meeting 8:30 am board office, prairieville
26 memorial day office closed
00 no meetings scheduled this month
19 juneteenthoffice closed
00 no meetings scheduled this month
04 independence day office closed
21Deadline for the receipt of agenda items for the august 1st meeting
01 Board meeting8:30 am board office, prairieville
00 no meetings scheduled this month
01 labor day office closed
13 deadline for receipt of agenda items for the october 24th board meeting
24 board meeting 8:30 am board office, prairieville
00 no meetings scheduled this month
11 veterans day office closed
21 deadline for the receipt of agenda items for the december 5th board meeting
27 thanksgiving day office closed
05 board meeting 8:30 am board office, prairieville
25 christmas day office closed